Wednesday, November 9


The Arlington Arts Center (where I am a Resident) NEEDS YOUR LUNCH MONEY!

Please Support AAC TODAY, Wednesday, November 9th for Give to the Max Day!

Who: Arlington Arts Center (AAC)

What: Give to the Max Day- a 24 hour online give-a-thon

When: through Midnight tonight!

Where: To make the greatest impact, please make your gift through

Free Earth Day Family Workshop
How much: The cost of one lunch: $10, or as much as you can give. If five people give $10, we can provide tuition assistance to one student for a summer art class! If twenty people give $10, we can provide tuition assistance for high-quality art programming to that student for a whole year!
work by Resident Artists Matthew M. Smith, Alice Whealin and Danielle Mysliewic
AAC has its sights set on 1st place for most donors; will you please tell your friends and family about this 24 hour giving event that ends at midnight?  If we win 1st place, we will receive a $25,000 bonus!  Please help us make this happen!