Thursday, April 7

Sebastian Speckmann

A floor of linocuts by Sebastian Speckmann as shown by Galerie Kleindienst @ Pulse

Fair attendees would not walk on this work even though the dealer has his chair partially sitting on top of it.   I did trot over it to get to the back of the booth but I felt weird doing so.  Once others saw someone "breaking the rule", they moved slowly over the work, like goldfish towards food flakes.  The stigma of "hands off" with art is so strong that we follow it even when the work clearly asks to be handled, walked on, or tangled with.  Personally, I enjoy the moment of taboo-ness, of reacting to the work as the artist intended.  It fulfills the purpose of the work and allows for a neat, memorable experience for the viewer.  As Steve Gutenberg said on Party Down, "No risk, no reward."